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still a ways to go
We were thinking that this hole must be getting close to being ready, but a state parks department employee said that they had to dig down to the water table, to make sure they were as deep as they possibly could go, so it was going to be a while longer. A bystander wanted to know if there were many animals buried there, and the lifeguard said, yes, they're all over here. That grossed out the bystander. The guard explained that the smaller animals, like sea lions or dolphins, they don't bury as deep as a whale. They don't call in the heavy equipment for them. They might even dig the hole by hand, or with a small bobcat, so they would do that closer to the water line, but something this big they have to go as deep as possible, and they want to get to the water table so it will decompose faster and not stink (or make a stench in Kellyanne's words).