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Here are some pictures of Yuma Arizona. I, the author, declare them to be copyrighted © 2001, The Deep Bondi Group. You may use them if

A) You include a copyright notice that says:

Copyright © 2001, The Deep Bondi Group,

B) You make the URL actually link to our website ( if the picture or pictures are used in a computer-based way, or any way in the future that can or does access the world wide web.

C) You don't use the picture or pictures in a collection of pictures or clip-art

D) You write us a nice note & tell us you're using it, and describe briefly how you're using it, and include a URL to your website if you have one.

E) Don't use the pictures in a pornographic or prurient way, or to promote or support abortion.

Hey; My pictures, my rules.

 -- Daniel G Henderson